ChicagoTaxiApp (CTA) is a leading application for e-hailing or dispatching Taxi services in Chicago, Illinois. We are the preferred provider for Yellow Cab, Checker Taxi, and American United Taxis, and have over 1200 vehicles to supply service. We are pleased to offer our valued clients the very latest in smartphone booking with our free ChicagoTaxiApp (CTA) technology. You pay only for the driver’s service.
Key Features
- Order in as few as 3 clicks
- Estimate for fares beginning and ending in Chicago
- Confirmation number for your order immediately upon booking
- Dispatched rider notifications
- Monitor driver progress
- Create lists for popular destinations
- Review past orders up to 30 days
- Immediate feedback

Key Features
Order in as few as 3 clicks
Estimate for fares beginning and ending in Chicago
Confirmation number for your order immediately upon booking
Dispatched rider notifications
Monitor driver progress
Create lists for popular destinations
Review past orders up to 30 days
Immediate feedback
How It Works
ChicagoTaxiApp (CTA) believes your comfort and safety are our top priorities! We use only licensed cabs and licensed drivers. Our Drivers receive periodic drug testing, annual physicals, and continuing education to refresh and inform them of city ordinances and new equipment updates. Our drivers go through a more stringent background check and training regiment compared to other ride share applications.

1. Download the free app,
then create and validate your account.
After you download the app and register, Chicago Taxi App will send you an email including your account validation link. After verification, you can login, edit your account and add payment options to your profile.
How It Works
ChicagoTaxiApp (CTA) believes your comfort and safety are our top priorities! We use only licensed cabs and licensed drivers. Our Drivers receive periodic drug testing, annual physicals, and continuing education to refresh and inform them of city ordinances and new equipment updates. Our drivers go through a more stringent background check and training regiment compared to other ride share applications.

1. Download the free app,
then create and validate your account.
After you download the app and register, Chicago Taxi App will send you an email including your account validation link. After verification, you can login, edit your account and add payment options to your profile.
2. Enter your pick-up and
drop-off destination points.
We will send you an estimated fair for the trip. ChicagoTaxiApp retains a history of your previous orders (up to 30 days)for expense management and to quickly rebook the same trip with the push of a button.

2. Enter your pick-up and
drop-off destination points.
We will send you an estimated fair for the trip. ChicagoTaxiApp retains a history of your previous orders (up to 30 days)for expense management and to quickly rebook the same trip with the push of a button.

3. Book your trip!
Choose whether this ride is immediate or for a later date, and a licensed Chicago Taxi driver is now on his way! On booking an order, you will immediately receive a confirmation number, along with an update when your vehicle has been assigned. Now you can monitor the progress of your vehicle as it moves towards your pick-up location.

3. Book your trip!
Choose whether this ride is immediate or for a later date, and a licensed Chicago Taxi driver is now on his way! On booking an order, you will immediately receive a confirmation number, along with an update when your vehicle has been assigned. Now you can monitor the progress of your vehicle as it moves towards your pick-up location.
We’re always looking to improve our service! Help us serve you by filling out the feedback form below.